How to Optimize Website Performance in PHP: 7 Useful Tools

How to Optimize Website Performance in PHP: 7 Useful Tools

Is your website fast enough to keep users engaged and satisfied? Website Performance in PHP is key to building fast, reliable websites. It ensures quick load times and a better customer experience to boost PHP speed.

This article will cover boosting and optimizing your ecommerce store loading time.

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Key Takeaways

  • 3 real-world examples of optimizing PHP store speed.

  • 6 effective strategies to improve PHP ecommerce website performance.

  • PHP features that help to enhance MGT Commerce customer experience.

  • Top 7 tools for PHP development and performance optimization in ecommerce.

  • List of 10 best practices to minimize Magento 2 PHP load times.

What is PHP in Web Development?

PHP, or Hypertext Preprocessor, is a widely-used, open-source scripting language. It is designed specifically for website development.

PHP was created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995. It is important in powering dynamic web pages and reliable PHP applications. PHP originally stood for “Personal Home Page,” but became PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP 4 introduced the Zend Engine, which improved PHP speed using an opcode execution model. This reduced delays and made PHP codes faster.

The latest version, PHP 8.4.3, brings even more improvements. It includes a Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler to speed up PHP code execution. PHP works smoothly with web servers like Apache and Nginx. Tools like New Relic help monitor and improve the performance of PHP applications.

Website Performance in PHP: Interesting Facts You Should Know

  1. PHP is a server-side scripting language. It does not need a compiler because PHP methods run directly on the PHP.

  2. It supports databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and Oracle. These make queries fast and scalable for web applications.

  3. PHP code runs on the server, creating dynamic content. It reduces server load and improves speed.

  4. PHP is an open-source language. It is free and widely used in modern web PHP programming.

  5. PHP powers 75% of all websites that use widely used server-side scripting languages.

  6. WordPress, Wikipedia, and Yahoo are popular PHP apps built with best practices. It shows PHP’s flexibility in PHP site development.

3 Real-world Examples of PHP Performance Optimization

1. Facebook’s Development of HHVM

Facebook handles billions of interactions daily. They needed a way to manage heavy traffic without slowing down. They introduced the HipHop Virtual Machine (HHVM). It improved PHP performance by compiling code more efficiently. The result was reduced server strain and faster speed. Focusing on PHP performance adjusting ensured that their platform could handle growth.

2. Wikipedia’s MediaWiki Performance Adjusting

Wikipedia is one of the largest php websites in the world. It serves millions of visitors every day. To keep the site running smoothly, they used caching and load balancing. These steps helped reduce load time and created a fast, stable experience.

3. Slack’s Transition to HHVM and Hack for Enhanced Performance

Slack started on PHP 5 but faced performance bugs as it grew. They switched to HHVM and later adopted Hack. This made their code more efficient and helped handle more users. By rethinking its approach to PHP performance, Slack improved its stability and responsiveness.

6 Ways to Boost and Optimize Website Performance in PHP

1. Use Native PHP Functions

Improve speed with native PHP functions

Using native PHP methods improves efficiency and avoids performance bugs. PHP has over 1,000 built-in functions. It lets you write code faster and improve application speed. These functions are improved and reduce the need for custom solutions. For example, using array_filter() or json_encode() is faster and more reliable than creating custom code. They help with better code optimization.

2. Enable OPCache on the PHP Backend

Enable OPcache for faster scripts

OPcache, available since PHP 5.5, uses opcode caching to speed up your site. It stores precompiled scripts in memory, so PHP skips repetitive compilation steps. It also improves server performance and lowers usage. To enable OPcache in the latest version of PHP, update your php.ini file:

opcache.enable=1 opcache.memory_consumption=128 opcache.validate_timestamps=1

PHP code processing has four main stages:

  • Lexical Analysis (Lexing): The PHP code is split into smaller parts called tokens. These tokens are meaningful and help the system understand the code.

  • Syntax Analysis (Parsing): The tokens are checked to see if they follow PHP’s grammar rules. The system creates a parse or abstract syntax tree (AST) to represent the code structure.

  • Compilation: The parse tree or AST is turned into low-level instructions called opcodes. Opcodes tell the PHP engine exactly what to do.

  • Execution: The PHP engine reads and runs the opcodes. This stage is where the PHP code produces the final output. It includes generating a webpage.

OPcache helps handle resources, reduces server strain, and improves store performance.

3. Minify Static Assets & Caching

Minify assets and enable caching

Minify assets like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript by removing spaces, comments, and line breaks. They reduce file sizes, speed up load time, and save bandwidth. Pair this with a content delivery network (CDN) to spread resources across global servers. It helps to speed up. Browser caching stores files locally for faster repeat visits. Tools like Redis or Memcached keep your app stable during traffic surges.

4. Upgrade to the Latest PHP Version

Upgrade to PHP 8 for better performance

Use the latest PHP build to access better features and adjust performance. PHP 8 introduced the Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler. It translates PHP code directly into machine code. This reduces processing time compared to PHP 7.0. PHP upgrade improves memory and execution speed. This adds new features like named arguments and union types. Upgrading ensures significant performance improvements.

Some of the features of PHP 8 include:

  • Union Types 2.0 lets you define multiple types for parameters, return values, or properties. For example, a function test(int|float $number) allows the function to accept an integer or a float.

  • Match Expression is simpler and safer than the switch statement. It uses strict type checks and returns a value. For example,

$result = match($value) {

1 => 'One',

2 => 'Two',

default => 'Other',


  • Null Safe Operator (?->) helps handle nullable properties or methods without errors. For example, $country = $user?->getAddress()?->country; ensures $user and getAddress() are not null before accessing the country.

  • Attributes v2 allows you to add metadata to classes, methods, and properties. They are a modern alternative to PHPDoc annotations. For example,


class MyClass {}

  • Named Arguments: It lets you pass arguments by their names, improving readability. This avoids unnecessary default values. For example,


parameter1: 'value1',

parameter2: 'value2',


  • Internal Functions throw TypeError exceptions for invalid parameter types like user-defined functions.

  • New Classes, Interfaces, and Functions: PHP 8 introduces features like the Stringable interface and functions such as str_contains(), str_starts_with(), and str_ends_with().

  • Just-In-Time (JIT) Compilation: It compiles PHP code into machine code during runtime. This improves performance, especially for tasks requiring heavy CPU processing, like data analysis.

According to PHP developer Nikita Popov, the JIT compiler benefits include:

  • Improved performance for numerical code.

  • Modest performance gains for web applications.

  • More PHP-based implementation is possible.

5. Understand Performance Bottlenecks

Fix PHP performance bottlenecks

Slow queries or unoptimized code can cause bottlenecks and hurt app performance. Use tools like Blackfire or Tideways to profile your PHP codes and find issues. Spreading workloads across various servers prevents overload and keeps your app smooth. Benchmark your app to track performance metrics like speed. Fixing the block ensures stable performance.

Check the following areas of the web server for performance bugs:

  • Network Capacity: Low bandwidth can slow data transfers. Check if your server can handle the traffic.

  • Memory Utilization: Running out of memory slows performance. Ensure the server has enough RAM for its tasks.

  • CPU Performance: High CPU usage causes delays. Monitor the CPU load during busy times.

  • Unwanted Background Processes: Extra processes use resources. Stop tasks that are not needed to free up space.

  • Fragmented File System: A fragmented file system slows file access. Improved the storage regularly to keep it efficient.

6. Optimize Your Code

Optimize PHP code for efficiency

Clean, efficient code optimization is key to performance. Use single quotes (' ') for strings without variables. They process faster than double quotes (" "). Switch to JSON for data as json_decode() is faster than XML. Regularly monitor with performance monitoring tools like New Relic to fix issues early. These tips for optimizing PHP keep your app running with optimal performance.

PHP Features and Benefits for MGT Commerce Users

Magento PHP is a flexible scripting language that supports many successful ecommerce platforms. Its speed and reliability help online stores deliver fast, responsive experiences. MGT Commerce uses PHP advancements to improve store performance. PHP started in 1994 when Rasmus Lerdorf introduced it. Since then, it’s become one of the most popular programming languages.

As an open-source tool, it constantly improves. MGT Commerce applies these improvements, optimizing PHP performance techniques. It makes stores reliable and stable for its users.

  • Reduce CPU Usage: Cut CPU usage by caching complex calculations.

  • Faster Response Time: PHP 8 delivers better performance for advanced code execution. It achieves up to three times the speed in benchmarks.

  • Handle More Traffic: PHP 8 improves scalability and supports asynchronous programming. It manages higher traffic and runs PHP codes more efficiently.

Key Benefits of PHP 8 with MGT Commerce

  • Just-In-Time Compilation: JIT compiles PHP code into machine code. It runs faster without relying on an interpreter at runtime.

  • Union Types: It lets a variable hold multiple data types. Developers gain flexibility and better control over how data is managed.

  • The Nullsafe Operator: PHP 8’s null-safe operator (?->) simplifies handling null values. It lets developers write cleaner, more straightforward code.

  • Named Arguments: It allows developers to specify arguments by name. This improves readability and makes functions easier to understand.

  • Attributes: Attributes, or annotations, provide structured data about objects, elements, or files. They make defining classes, interfaces, and functions simpler.

  • Match Expression: The match expression makes it easy to return values directly. It helps developers validate input, match patterns, and handle errors efficiently.

  • Consistent Type Errors for Internal Functions: PHP 8 ensures consistent type errors. It is for internal functions and is easier to find and fix incorrect argument types.

Businesses can improve their Magento stores using modern PHP features and MGT Commerce’s advanced hosting. It leads to a better customer shopping experience and higher performance for the business.

List of 7 Tools for PHP Performance and Development

1. AppOptics – PHP Performance Monitoring Tool

AppOptics helps developers monitor and improve PHP apps. It identifies slowdowns, tracks performance parameters, and provides live real-time data.

Key Services:

  • Real-time performance metrics and diagnostics.

  • Works with multiple PHP frameworks and libraries.

Pricing: Starting at $9.99/month.

2. Loggly – PHP Logging Tool

Loggly simplifies troubleshooting by collecting logs from many sources in one place. Developers can quickly find problems and find better ways to improve application stability.

Key Services:

  • Centralized log management and analytics.

  • Real-time log tracking with advanced search filters.


  1. Free: For Starters.

  2. Standard: $79/month for small business

  3. Pro: $159/month for growing companies.

  4. Enterprise: $279 for all-inclusive.

3. XAMPP – PHP Development Environment

XAMPP lets developers test their running PHP apps in a local environment. It reduces the risk of problems when the application goes live.

Key Services:

  • Easy-to-set-up local server for PHP programming development.

  • Works on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Pricing: Free and open-source.

4. Aptana Studio – PHP Web Development IDE

Aptana Studio provides a full-featured IDE for coding and debugging PHP. It supports various optimization techniques to make coding and testing more efficient.

Key Services:

  • Integrated code editor and debugging tools.

  • Works with version control systems for easier team collaboration.

Pricing: Free and supported by the open-source community.

5. PHPUnit – PHP Testing Framework

PHPUnit is a framework that helps developers write and run unit tests. It ensures the code is tested thoroughly every time it changes.

Key Services:

  • Enables unit testing to maintain code quality.

  • Supports test-driven development practices.

Pricing: Free and open-source.

6. Xdebug – PHP Debugging Tool

Xdebug enhances debugging by providing step-by-step details on how PHP code runs. It helps developers improve their performance by understanding what happens at each step.

Key Services:

  • Step-by-step debugging to trace execution flow.

  • Offers profiling information to improve performance.

Pricing: Open-source and free to use.

7. phpDocumentor 2 – PHP Documentation

Generator phpDocumentor creates documentation directly from PHP source code. It makes the code easier to understand and maintain over time.

Key Services:

  • Generates structured documentation from source code.

  • Allows linking and cross-referencing for better navigation.

Pricing: Free and open-source.

10 Best Practices for Reducing Loading Time in PHP Web Development

1. Upgrade to the Latest PHP Version

Switching to the most recent PHP version, like PHP 7 or 8, improves speed and stability. Each update brings performance enhancements and better memory handling. It also includes security improvements, which makes your site run more smoothly.

2. Enable OPcache

OPcache stores precompiled PHP scripts in the server’s memory. The server does not need to compile the code whenever a user visits your site. It reduces processing time, lowers server load, and makes your site faster. The tool is helpful for websites with a lot of traffic.

3. Optimize Queries

Keep database queries simple and avoid unnecessary joins. Use indexes on frequently accessed tables to speed up searches. Cache results of repeated queries to reduce database load. These steps make your site respond faster and run more smoothly.

4. Implement Caching

Caching tools like Redis or Memcached store commonly used data in memory for quick access. Page caching saves prebuilt versions of pages, reducing the server’s workload. This makes your site faster, improves performance, and provides a better customer experience.

5. Minimize HTTP Requests

Reduce the number of HTTP requests by combining CSS and JavaScript files into one. Remove unused assets and use image sprites to group multiple images into a single file. Fewer requests result in faster page loads and less strain on your server.

6. Enable Gzip Compression

Gzip shrinks files like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript before sending them to a user’s browser. Smaller files load faster and save bandwidth. It improves site performance, especially for users with slow internet connections.

7. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

A CDN stores your website’s static files on servers around the world. When users visit your site, the files are delivered from the server closest to them. It reduces loading times and ensures fast, consistent performance for all users.

8. Optimize Your PHP Code

Write clean and simple PHP code by removing unnecessary logic. It helps to use built-in functions and avoid redundant or repetitive code. Clean code runs faster, is easier to maintain, and makes your website more efficient.

9. Use Asynchronous Processing Where Possible

Handle long tasks, like sending emails or uploading files, in the background using asynchronous processing. This keeps your pages from being delayed by these tasks. It speeds up loading times for the online stores.

10. Regularly Monitor and Profile Your Application

Use tools like Xdebug, Blackfire, or New Relic to find slow code and performance problems. Regular monitoring helps you spot and fix issues early. This keeps your site stable, fast, and reliable for visitors.


1. What is the best way to start improving PHP performance?

Start by updating to the latest stable PHP version. New versions offer better search engines and improved memory use with security updates. Enabling OPcache reduces repeated code compilation. It speeds up website loading for the Magento 2 stores.

2. How does optimizing PHP code affect server speed?

Optimized PHP code—using built-in functions and removing redundant operations. It helps to simplify data structures but requires less time per request. This allows the server to handle more traffic, improving speed and performance.

3. What role does frontend optimization play in PHP application speed?

Minimizing CSS and JavaScript files and reducing image sizes helps browsers load pages faster. These frontend improvements lower the total loading time. They help to complement backend PHP enhancements and improve the customer experience.

4. How can developers identify performance bottlenecks in their PHP applications?

Profiling tools like Blackfire, Tideways, and Xdebug pinpoint slow code. They also include memory-heavy functions and long-running queries. Regular profiling shows where changes are needed. They allow developers to target and fix performance bugs.

5. When should you use a content delivery network for PHP sites?

Use a CDN if you serve a global audience or have many resources. A network distributes these files across servers. It speeds up load times and frees the PHP backend to handle dynamic content more efficiently.

6. How do load balancing and scaling affect PHP performance?

Load balancing spreads traffic across various servers, preventing overloads. Scaling is to add resources to existing servers and helps handle more users. Both methods keep the site responsive under heavy traffic.



Website performance in PHP means making sure web applications run smoothly. Developers can improve overall performance by following php performance tips. It ensures sites load quickly, remain stable and perform well under heavy traffic. Consider the following ways to optimize:

  • Enable OPCache on the Server: OPCache keeps compiled scripts in memory so that PHP can run faster.

  • Upgrade to the Latest PHP Edition: New PHP builds are faster and have improved features.

  • Understand Performance Bottlenecks: Fixing blocks ensures applications stay fast and responsive.

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Nikita S.
Nikita S.
Technical Writer

As a lead technical writer, Nikita S. is experienced in crafting well-researched articles that simplify complex information and promote technical communication. She is enthusiastic about cloud computing and holds a specialization in SEO and digital marketing.

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