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Domain Settings

In the Domain Settings, you can change your site's Root Directory. By default, the Domain Name will be used but can be changed to your needs.

Domain Settings

Site User Settings

In the Site User Settings, you can reset the password for the primary SSH User or add SSH Keys if you want to use SSH Public Key Authentication.

Site User Settings

PHP/Node.js/Python/Reverse Proxy Settings

In the PHP Settings, you can change the PHP Version and change other settings like:

  • memory_limit
  • max_execution_time
  • max_input_time
  • max_input_vars
  • post_max_size
  • upload_max_filesize

The most common settings can be modified to your needs, but you can overwrite them in the
Additional Configuration Directives if you need to change other parameter values.

PHP Settings


CloudPanel is shipped with the Google PageSpeed Module for NGINX, automatically optimizing your site for better performance.

Enable the PageSpeed module for NGINX by using the switch and clicking on the button Save.

You can modify the rules; see the PageSpeed Documentation for detailed information.

Google PageSpeed

Delete Site

To delete a site, click on the button Delete Site and confirm the action by entering the Domain Name.


Deleting a site will permanently remove all site files, databases, users, and configs, and they will be non-recoverable.

Delete Site