Microsoft Azure

CloudPanel v1 is obsolete

CloudPanel v1 is obsolete; check out the CloudPanel v2 Docs.

On this page, we explain step by step how to run CloudPanel on the Microsoft Azure.

Launching a Virtual Machine

1) Login into the Microsoft Azure Portal.

2) Click in the left navigation on Virtual Machines and click on the button Create virtual machine.

Instance details

Enter the name of your Virtual Machine, select a region and select the Debian 10 "Buster" image
and select the size of your instance.

Administrator account

As Authentication type select SSH Public Key (recommended) or Password.

On the following site, you can learn how to create an SSH Public Key:

Enter the Username and your SSH Public Key.

Inbound port rules

Select which virtual machine network ports are accessible from the public internet. You can specify more limited or granular network access on the Networking tab.

Select the inbound ports: HTTP, HTTPS and SSH and click on the button Next: Disks >


Select Standard SSD as OS disk type and continue to Advanced.


Select the latest VM generation to benefit from the newest developments and continue to Review + create.

Review + create

Click on the button Create to launch your virtual machine.

Static IP Address

For web applications, a Static IP Address is needed.

1) To make your assigned Public IP Address static, click on the IP.

2) Change the Assignment from Dynamic to Static and click on the button Save.


To access the CloudPanel after the installation, we need to create an inbound port rule for the port 8443.

1) Click in the left navigation on Settings --> Networking and click on the button Add inbound port rule.

2) As Source select Any or better IP Addresses to restrict the CloudPanel access to specific IPs.

Click on the button Add to create the security rule.

CloudPanel Installation

SSH Login

For installing the CloudPanel, we first need to login with SSH.

ssh -i path_to_your_private_key azure@staticIpAddress

The static IP Address can be found on the instance overview, it's called Public IP address.


Before running the installer, we need to switch the user to root to install the required packages.

sudo su root
apt update && apt -y upgrade && apt -y install curl wget sudo

To start the CloudPanel installation, execute the following command:

curl -sSL | sudo CLOUD=msa bash

Access CloudPanel

You can now access the CloudPanel via Browser: https://yourStaticIpAddress:8443

Ignore the self-signed certificate warning and click on Advanced and Proceed to continue to CloudPanel.